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Date Posted:29 April 2021
As the pandemic season drags on, have you noticed your friends sharing about their weight gain struggles? That’s quite understandable as gyms and other workout facilities are forced to close.
But are you experiencing the same frustration?
Don’t worry! All you need are kettlebells. With these at home, you can do a wealth of workout exercises that will help you get back in top shape like nothing happened.
It’s amazing how a combination of discipline, good training program, and kettlebells can change your body for good. Second only to burpees, kettlebells can work out almost all parts of your body (e.g., upper body, cardio, lower body) in a single workout. Over time, you can achieve a stronger and more shapely physique even without hitting the gym.
Perhaps, you’ve read reviews about the danger of using kettlebells. Like all other exercise equipment, it has its pros and cons. It’s not bad in itself. But it demands so much from your back, shoulders, neck, and hips. Hence, using it could be dangerous if you have arthritis or pain in your back or knees.
It might be a no-frills kind of equipment. But it will help you in a lot of ways to achieve your weight and health goals. It only takes little space for storage. Although you can choose different weights (e.g., 4kg, 6kg, 8kg, 10kg, 12kg, 16kg, 20kg, 24kg), you only really just need one of this at home. This is perfect if you want to develop a solid home workout routine.
Did you know that there are as many as 52 workouts you can do with a kettlebell? With these variations, you can work different parts of your body. Specifically, these exercises strengthen and stabilize your shoulder and back muscles, as well as your hips, glutes, core, and hamstrings.
Consistent and long-term workout with a kettlebell helps you achieve a toned and strong upper body. As you can use it for your core training, you can also expect to lose your love handles and arm fat over time. It helps improve your posture. Plus, it makes your rear a little more shapely and tighter.
Yes, we understand that the options can be a bit overwhelming. The market abounds in a plethora of kettlebell types, designs, and weights. But one thing to keep in mind when shopping for this equipment is your workout level. Are you working out for a competition? Or are you looking forward to loving this as a hobby?
For competitive workouts, you might like to buy a Girya type, which retains its size regardless of weight. Otherwise, or if you have a bigger space at home, you might like to buy the classic cast-iron type, also called Russian style, wherein the bigger the size the heavier the weight.
Kettlebells will only be bad for you if you have bone-related conditions or chronic muscle pains. Workouts involving this equipment are often hard on the muscles and bones, especially the arms and feet. So, it’s best to consult your doctor first before trying any exercise routine.
Ideally, yes. 2 kettlebells can help you get in shape more effectively. But make sure that the 2 items are of different weights. This gives you room to switch between light and heavier workouts more easily.
Is this your first time using a kettlebell? If yes and you’re a female, try starting with the 8kg equipment for your arms and 10kg for the legs. As you try your knack at the more advanced routines, you can switch to 10kg and 16kg respectively. If you’re a male, you may start with 10kg or 12kg for your arm workouts and 16kg for the legs. Gradually increase the weights to 16kg for the arms and 20kg for the legs as you tackle more advanced exercises.
Average, active women who like to do some ballistic kettlebell workouts (e.g., swings, snatches) might like to start with an 8kg equipment. If you’re already an athletic one, try picking up the 12kg weight. Or if you’re a total newbie with an inactive lifestyle, start the 4kg weight.
The best thing about kettlebells is that it can be incorporated into different workout programs. You can even use it with your Yoga routines. And this makes this equipment the perfect addition to your home gym if you’re serious about losing weight.
Experts say kettlebell swings are nearly as effective as burpees in giving you a full-body workout. And as it targets your core muscles, you can expect to bring out some toned abdominal muscles over time. Specifically, the following are some of the best kettlebell workouts to help you shed that heavy belly fat:
Many experts call kettlebell swing the “king of exercises” for good reasons. It’s an effective full-body training that targets all areas of your body, from the arms to the hips and hamstrings. And this helps you burn more calories. But most importantly, it works your abdominal area.
The recommended beginner kettlebell weights vary for males and females. For relatively active women, it’s good to start with 18lb equipment for arms workouts and 26lb for legs exercises. Meanwhile, for men, it would be perfect to begin with the 22lb weight for the arm workouts and 35lb for the leg routines.
Each equipment has its own benefits and disadvantages. But if you’re looking to amp up your cardio, functional strength, and grip training, it’s best to grab a kettlebell. This equipment is also effective in building power and helping ease lower back pain.
It’s understandable for newbie workout buffs to be shocked about the price range ($30 and $200) of this simple and unglamorous piece of solid metal. But think about it. It’s made of cast-iron with a powder coat and sanding for the seams. This equipment might require quite a hefty initial investment. But you can have it for a lifetime!
Considering the cost of kettlebells, it’s best to get yours from a leading supplier. If you want a wide range of options in sizes and weights, you might like to consider the products at Morgan Sports. The company has been a leading industry wholesaler of functional fitness, combat sports, and rugby league supplies for 30 years.
As experts say about kettlebells, “one gets the job done.” But if you’re looking forward to a more evenly distributed and balanced weight training, you’d want to have 2 of this amazing equipment. Besides, these are investments for life.
The Coronavirus outbreak halted most of the production of kettlebells and other weight equipment. The forging process is complex. And the shipping makes it even more difficult to distribute kettlebells globally from the leading foundries in China. But don’t worry! Morgan Sports has enough supplies to meet the demand in most fitness centres and gyms within Australia. You can also use alternative weights readily available at home (e.g., paint cans, oil jugs ) while waiting for your orders to arrive. Or better yet, use your own weight.
Kettlebell workout training programs vary between men and women. For ladies with minimal to no previous workout routines, start using a kettlebell that weighs 4kg. Then, gradually increase the weights to 6kg and 8kg as you build the habit of using this equipment for your workouts. It’s also highly recommended to choose the competition or Girya type for space-efficiency purposes.
Whether you’re looking to maintain or recover your ideal weight or drop some extra pounds, buying a kettlebell is a worth-it investment. With this equipment, you can perform a plethora of home workouts that can help you get in shape while staying safe. And the best thing is you can keep it for as long as you live.